The site is operated by the company CTN EXHIBITIONS LTD, registered under company number 03379700, whose head office is located at Unit G3a, Halesfield 19, Telford, Shropshire, TF7 4QT, hereinafter “CTN”.

The publication director is: Mr Olivier LANGLOIS

CTN can be reached at: 01952 680 423 and at the following email address:

The CTN Platform is hosted by: OVH, 2 rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix – France, SAS, telephone: 1007.



CTN is one of the European leaders in the supply of decoration products for stands, fairs, exhibitions and events.

CTN offers individuals the opportunity to purchase decoration products directly on its website.

The Customer can only benefit from the functionalities of the CTN platform subject to prior acceptance of these general conditions of sale.

The Customer acknowledges that use of the platform accessible on the website implies that he agrees to comply with and submit to the general conditions of sale.

The Client declares having obtained from CTN all the necessary information regarding the platform's services and adheres without reservation to these general conditions of sale.



CTN platform: designates the functional and organizational structure set up by CTN allowing the purchase of products sold by CTN.

Products: Goods offered for sale on the CTN website. The photographs of the Products on the website do not constitute a contractual document.

Basket: the Basket summarizes the Products chosen by the Customer as well as the prices and related costs

CGV: designates these General Conditions of Sale applicable to Customers established in France and/or in a member country of the European Union.

Customers: refer to consumers who order CTN Products after having registered on the CTN Platform in the section provided for this purpose and having completed all the mandatory fields of the registration form.

User Account: designates the space specific to each Customer within which he can access several functionalities of the Platform (orders, dashboard of the various orders in progress).

Order: summary of the characteristics of the Products (models, price, quantity) that the Customer wishes to purchase.

Sales price: refers to the sales price of the products, all taxes included (TTC). The sales price of the products does not include shipping costs.

Dashboard: designates the Platform interface allowing you to consult the different Orders, as well as their processing stages (validation, payment, delivery).




These general conditions of sale aim to define the terms of sale and delivery of products ordered on the website between CTN and the Customers.

The General Terms and Conditions support the contractual relationship between each User and CTN.

The Customer is advised to download and/or print and keep a copy.

Acceptance of the T&Cs implies acceptance of all the clauses of the T&Cs and Customers cannot choose to have only part of the T&Cs applied or formulate reservations.

The Customer, prior to his Order, declares that he has full legal capacity allowing him to commit to these General Terms and Conditions.

These General Terms and Conditions apply without restriction or reservation to all Product Orders appearing on the website, excluding purchases made directly from our CTN physical establishments.



These General Terms and Conditions are accepted by the Customer when they create their User Account on the website. The latter acknowledges and accepts that his commitment does not require a handwritten or electronic signature: acceptance of these general conditions is implemented by clicking in the box “I have read and accept these general conditions” which gives him allows you to finalize the creation of your User Account and/or your Order.

These General Terms and Conditions are enforceable against the Customer upon acceptance by the latter.



These General Terms and Conditions define the main rules for using the Platform. They may be supplemented by additional policies, the confidentiality policy, the trust charter and frequently asked questions (FAQ) – in order to guide Customers more precisely in handling the Platform.

In the event of a conflict between the different policies resulting in a lack of accessibility, intelligibility and/or predictability of the rules, these General Terms and Conditions take precedence over the charter of trust, the confidentiality policy and the FAQs.



In the event that one of the stipulations of these General Terms and Conditions is declared null or inapplicable by the effect of a law, a regulation or a judicial decision emanating from a competent court, the other stipulations will retain their validity and their force, unless we imagine that these General Terms and Conditions are distorted or that this leads to a significant imbalance in the obligations of the parties.



CTN reserves the right, at any time, to supplement or modify these General Terms and Conditions in any way it deems necessary.

The fact of the Customer ordering a Product offered for sale on the website reiterates full acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions, of which the Customer acknowledges having read prior to his order.

The General Terms and Conditions applicable to the Order are those in force on the day the order is validated by the Customer.

The Customer will only be able to place an Order after having reiterated their acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions in force.




Creating a User Account is a necessary prerequisite to becoming a Customer and benefiting from all the features offered by site.

Only one account can be assigned per particular user (same name, same first name, same email address).

CTN is not responsible for information provided by Customers that may prove to be erroneous or fraudulent. The Customer is solely responsible for the use made of his User Account.

CTN reserves the right to cancel a Customer's Order and/or delete their user account.


The Individual Customer undertakes not to create or use User Accounts other than the one initially created, whether under his own identity or that of third parties.

Any exception to this rule must be the subject of an explicit request from the Client and express and specific authorization from CTN. Creating or using new User Accounts under one's own identity or that of third parties without having requested and obtained authorization from CTN may result in the immediate suspension of the Client's Accounts.

The procedure for creating a User Account includes the following steps:

· the Internet user completes the fields necessary to create the User Account. The information must be accurate and regularly updated;

· the Internet user reads and accepts the General Terms and Conditions by checking the box provided for this purpose. If he does not accept the General Terms and Conditions, the creation of the User Account ends and will not be taken into account by CTN;

· once the registration form is completed and the T&Cs accepted, the Internet user receives a confirmation email giving them access to their username and password



The Customer guarantees the accuracy of the information provided for the purposes of creating his User Account.

The username and password chosen by the Customer are strictly personal and confidential.

The Customer is recommended to choose a password comprising 8 characters including three different characters (lowercase, uppercase, number, special character).

The Customer is responsible, under the terms of the General Terms and Conditions and according to common law, for the acts and actions of any person using their User Account, even without their knowledge. The Customer undertakes to take all useful measures to ensure this perfect confidentiality and in particular to modify it regularly.

The Customer undertakes to report to CTN at the following address as soon as possible, any fraudulent use of their User Account or any loss, theft or disclosure of their identifiers and passwords.

You can access the personal data that You have communicated to us upon simple request, in accordance with the provisions set out in the Personal Data article of the General Conditions of Sale.




The Customer can select as many Products as he wishes with a maximum of 50 units per product and depending on available stocks. The Products selected by the Customer will be added to the Basket.

The Customer has the possibility to check the details of his Order, its total price and to correct any errors before confirming his acceptance (article 1127-2 of the Civil Code).

Validation of the Order at the end of the Basket constitutes confirmation of acceptance without restriction or reservation by the Customer of the General Terms and Conditions on the day of the Order, of the Products purchased, their price as well as the associated costs.

An order number will also be assigned to the Customer.

The final validation of your order will take place when the bank debit authorization has been given to CTN, i.e. within a maximum period of four (4) days.

A final confirmation by e-mail will then be sent to the Customer including all the elements relating to your order.

The sale will only be considered final after sending the Customer confirmation by email of acceptance of the Order by CTN.

CTN reserves the right to cancel or refuse any Order from a Customer with whom there is a dispute relating to the payment of a previous Order.

If payment is not received and validated within four (4) days, CTN considers that the Order is canceled.

Unless proven otherwise, the data recorded in the CTN computer system constitutes proof of all transactions concluded with the Client.



The Products are offered while stocks last.

In the event of unavailability of the ordered Product, CTN undertakes to inform the Customer as soon as possible and will reimburse the Product (shipping costs included) within a maximum period of 30 days.



The Products are supplied at the current prices appearing on the CTN website, upon validation of the Order by CTN.

The prices indicated for the Products do not include processing, shipping, transport and delivery costs, which are invoiced additionally, under the conditions indicated on the CTN website and calculated before placing the order.

Payment for purchases is made via the secure platform of our payment provider Stripe, via its Stripe payment service.

The Customer expressly acknowledges that communicating his bank card number to CTN constitutes authorization to debit his account for the price of the Products ordered.


All banking data entered is subject to secure processing and is immediately encrypted. This information is only accessible to our banking partner, so that they can contact your bank. At no time will CTN, or any other third party, have access to your banking data.




These costs are those mentioned on the website and specified at the time of the Order.

They are paid by the Customer at the time of the Order.



Delivery will take place to the address that the Customer indicated when placing the order.

The delivery time is mentioned on the Order summary. Delivery times run from the day after payment is made by credit card, subject to acceptance of the latter.

CTN will inform the Customer by any means of any possible delivery delay brought to its attention.

CTN undertakes to make its best efforts to deliver the products ordered by the Customer within the announced deadlines.

If the Customer is absent at the time of delivery, a delivery notice will be left in his mailbox. The Customer will then be invited to contact the carrier or the CTN store of origin. The costs of this second delivery will be borne by the Customer.



The delivery address, which must be clearly specified by the Customer when placing the Order, is located in mainland France (excluding Overseas Territories and Corsica) only and must be accessible, in particular by a motorable route, without danger or risk for the carrier. Packages will be delivered to the ground floor of the address indicated and will not be taken upstairs.

As such, the Customer must report any access difficulty via the contact form, accessible on the Order confirmation email.

CTN reserves the right to refuse delivery of Products in certain areas that are difficult to access for the carrier (mountains, islands, etc.).

It is up to the Customer to provide easy access for a truck of more than 20 tonnes for unloading the ordered products. A clear area for unloading the product is imperative as close as possible to its place of storage.

CTN declines all responsibility if any damage occurs at the place of delivery due to difficult access or unsuitable terrain.

Upon delivery of the Products, the Customer undertakes to sign the delivery note presented by the carrier.

The Customer must check the condition and quantity of the Products. In the event of an apparent anomaly (damaged packaging, missing, damaged or broken Products) noted upon delivery, the Customer must:

refuse the Products delivered;

describe precisely on the delivery note the condition of the Products and the anomalies noted in relation to the Order;

have any reservations co-signed by the carrier.

within 3 days following delivery, inform CTN customer service of this non-compliance by email to the following address, specifying your name, first name and address as well as the Order number.

CTN will communicate to the Customer its agreement or refusal to the request for return of the Products as soon as possible. Return costs are the responsibility of CTN in this case.

In the absence of reserves or in the event of insufficient reserves, CTN may refuse the return, exchange or reimbursement of the Products.

In the absence of specific reservations, the delivery will be considered to comply with the Order, without this preventing the subsequent application, where applicable, of conventional or legal guarantees.



The Customer can opt for in-store collection rather than delivery to the address indicated in their registration form. During collection, the order number and proof of identity may be requested.

In the event that the Customer opts for collection in store, the date the Products will be made available in store is automatically set when ordering.

The Customer undertakes to collect the Products from the date indicated on the Order summary.

CTN will inform the Customer by any means of communication of any postponement of the date of availability.

When collecting the Products from the store, the Customer must check the apparent condition of the Products and sign the corresponding “collection slip”.

In the event that the Customer does not collect the Products ordered within five working days after the set availability date, CTN will cancel the order and reimburse the Order less a penalty corresponding to 10% of the total amount of the Order (excluding shipping costs).



The Customer takes possession of the Products upon collection from the Store or upon delivery.

The risks of loss, theft or deterioration of the Products as well as damage caused by the Products are transferred to the Customer upon delivery or collection of the Products from the Store.

Before any use or start-up of the Product, CTN recommends that the Customer carefully read the instructions for use and documents attached to the Products and wear personal protective equipment when using the Products.

CTN will not be held responsible for damages arising from inappropriate use of the Products.





CTN is required to provide the legal guarantee of conformity mentioned in articles L. 217-4 to L. 217-12 of the Consumer Code and that relating to defects in the item sold, under the conditions provided for in articles 1641 to 1648 and 2232 of the civil code.

CTN is bound by the guarantee for hidden defects in the item sold which make it unfit for the use for which it is intended, or which reduce this use to such an extent that the buyer would not have acquired it, or would not have given only a lower price, if he had known them (article 1641 of the Civil Code).

Action resulting from redhibitory defects must be brought by the Customer within two years from the discovery of the defect (article 1648 paragraph 1 of the civil code).

The Customer must check upon receipt for any apparent defects.

If no complaint or reservation is made in this respect by the Customer on the day of receipt of the Products, said Products can no longer be returned or exchanged, in application of the provisions of article 1642 of the Civil Code.

In the event of an apparent defect in the Products delivered noted by the Customer on the day of receipt, CTN undertakes to replace the Products delivered with new products identical to the order.

The costs incurred by the recovery and delivery of new Products are the exclusive responsibility of CTN.

In accordance with the provisions of articles 1641 et seq. of the Civil Code, CTN guarantees hidden defects in the Products provided that the Customer is able to present proof of purchase and that the defect was not apparent, existed at the time of purchase and makes the Product(s) unsuitable for the use for which the Customer intended it or very significantly reduces this use.

In the event that the aforementioned conditions are respected, the Customer may opt either to cancel the sale or to reduce the sale price, in accordance with article 1644 of the Civil Code.



CTN is liable for defects in conformity of the Product in relation to the Order under the legal guarantee of conformity mentioned in articles L. 217-4 to L. 217-12 of the Consumer Code.

In accordance with the provisions of articles L. 217-4, L. 217-5, L. 217-12 and L. 217-16 of the Consumer Code:

CTN delivers goods that comply with the contract and is liable for any lack of conformity existing at the time of delivery. He is also liable for defects in conformity resulting from the packaging, assembly instructions or installation when this has been his responsibility by the contract or has been carried out under his responsibility;

A good conforms to the contract:

1° If it is suitable for the use usually expected of similar goods and, where applicable:

· if it corresponds to the description given by the seller and has the qualities that the seller presented to the buyer in the form of a sample or model;

· if it presents the qualities that a buyer can legitimately expect having regard to the public declarations made by the seller, by the producer or by his representative, in particular in advertising or labeling;

· Or if it presents the characteristics defined by mutual agreement by the parties or is suitable for any special use sought by the buyer, brought to the attention of the seller and which the latter has accepted.

The action resulting from the lack of conformity is prescribed two years from the delivery of the goods;

When the buyer requests from the seller, during the course of the commercial guarantee which was granted to him during the acquisition or repair of movable property, a restoration covered by the guarantee, any period of immobilization of At least seven days are added to the remaining warranty period. This period runs from the buyer's request for intervention or the making available for repair of the goods in question, if this making available is subsequent to the request for intervention.

Subject to the presentation of proof of purchase, the Customer has a period of two (2) years from delivery of the Product to assert the legal guarantee of conformity.

In the event of a proven lack of conformity, the Customer can opt between repairing or replacing the Product.

If repair or replacement is impossible or results in a disproportionate cost for CTN, the Customer will benefit from the possibility of requesting a reduction in the price or the cancellation of the Order.

The Customer acknowledges and accepts that the cancellation of the Order will not be accepted if the lack of conformity is minor.



Each Product may have its own warranty depending on the product supplier.

In principle, details relating to the supplier guarantee appear on the Product presentation sheet.


9.3. SAV

Independently of after-sales service, CTN remains bound by the legal guarantee of conformity mentioned in articles L. 217-4 to L. 217-12 of the Consumer Code and that relating to defects in the item sold, under the conditions provided for. in articles 1641 to 1648 and 2232 of the Civil Code.

CTN offers its Customers an after-sales service (after-sales service) accessible at the following email address: for a period of 1 (one) year from delivery of the Product

If the problem linked to the Product is covered by the supplier's contractual guarantee, a return slip will be sent to the Customer requesting it. This return voucher will allow the Customer to send the Product there to CTN, free of charge. The repairs will then be carried out and the Product will be returned free of charge.

If the supplier's warranty is not applicable, a repair estimate will be sent to the Customer. If this quote is accepted, the return of the Product will in this case be carried out at the Customer's expense.




CTN strives to provide quality services and allow the Customer to use the site made available in the best possible conditions.

The site is normally accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week except in cases of force majeure or events beyond the control of CTN.

Expressly, are considered as force majeure or fortuitous events, in addition to those usually retained by French jurisprudence: computer failures, telecommunications blockages, failure or malfunction of transmission networks via the internet and any other case beyond the control of CTN, total or partial strikes, internal or external to CTN, lockouts, bad weather, blockages of means of transport for any reason whatsoever, governmental or legal restrictions, preventing the normal execution of the T&Cs.

Due to the nature and complexity of the Internet network, and in particular, its technical performance and response times for consulting, querying or transferring data, CTN makes its best efforts to allow access and use of services. CTN cannot in fact ensure absolute accessibility or availability of the site and access to the Platform.

CTN cannot be held responsible for any malfunction of the Client's terminal or compatibility problem between the Platform and the terminal. CTN cannot also be held responsible for the non-functioning, inability to access or malfunctions of the Platform attributable to unsuitable equipment, to malfunctions of the services of the Client's access provider, as well as any external cause. to CTN which could interrupt or damage access to the CTN Services.

As CTN does not make any commitment regarding the performance of the Platform, CTN cannot be held liable.



CTN reserves the right, without notice or compensation, to make the Platform unavailable in order to carry out maintenance operations or to modify the functionality of the Platform.

CTN is not responsible for damages of any nature that may result from these changes and/or temporary unavailability of the Platform or associated functionalities.



CTN makes its best efforts, in accordance with the rules of the art, to secure the site with regard to the risk incurred and the nature of the data processed.

All measures are taken in particular to minimize the risk of fraudulent access to the CTN system.

In this regard, CTN sets up firewalls, equipment located between the Internet network and a company's private network to increase the security of the latter by filtering traffic coming from or destined for the Internet.

However, the Customer acknowledges that the characteristics and constraints of the Internet network do not guarantee the total security, availability and integrity of data transmissions.

Consequently, CTN does not guarantee that the Platform will operate without interruption or error. The Customer must ensure that they have a secure email address.

Despite or following the omission of these precautions, the Customer's User Account is likely, in cases which remain rare, to be the victim of fraud. In this case, it is expressly agreed that CTN cannot be held responsible.

CTN cannot be held responsible for malicious acts or fraudulent intrusions by a third party on the CTN platform and/or the presence of viruses on the Platform.

The CTN Platform is an automated data processing system.

The Client is prohibited from accessing or remaining fraudulently in all or part of the Platform.

You are prohibited from using any access method other than the interface made available by CTN. In the event of discovery of such a method or if the Customer enters a reserved space, without rights, inadvertently, the Customer undertakes to inform CTN without delay by email to the following address: so that he can take the necessary measures.

The Client is prohibited from deleting or modifying data contained on the site which has not been published by itself, or from fraudulently introducing data or even from altering the functioning of the Platform.

Any access to a prohibited space will be considered fraudulent access within the meaning of the provisions of the Penal Code.

The Client undertakes to consider that all data of which he becomes aware during such access to an unauthorized space is confidential data and therefore undertakes not to disclose it.

The Client is prohibited in particular from carrying out any operation aimed at saturating a page, rebound operations or any operation having the consequence of hindering or distorting the operation of the site.



In accordance with the legal provisions in force, for any Product purchase made on the website, the Customer will have a withdrawal period of fourteen (14) days, from receipt of the Product, allowing him to cancel your Order completely or partially.

The Products must be returned in their original packaging, accompanied by all accessories and instructions, be in perfect condition, and accompanied by their invoice.

Damaged, soiled or incomplete Products will not be returned.

To exercise his right of withdrawal, the Customer must use the withdrawal form available at the end of these General Terms and Conditions or at the following address: A RIB must be attached to this withdrawal form.

If the right of withdrawal is exercised within the aforementioned period, only the price of the Product(s) purchased and the delivery costs are reimbursed; return costs remaining the responsibility of the Customer.

CTN undertakes to reimburse the Customer within a maximum period of fourteen (14) days from recovery of the Products or receipt of proof of shipment of the products.

CTN will endeavor to reimburse using the same means of payment as that used to place the Order.



These General Terms and Conditions do not entail any transfer of any kind of intellectual property rights over the elements belonging to CTN.

The Platform, brands, designs, models, images, texts, photos, logos, graphic charters, software and programs, search engines, databases, sounds, videos, domain names, design or any other information or support presented by CTN without this list being exhaustive, are the exclusive property of CTN or third parties and may be protected by copyright, trademark, patent and any other property right intellectual or industrial which are recognized to them according to the laws in force.

The website, its interface and its graphic charter were created by Adveris to which CTN has transferred the related intellectual property rights.

Any reproduction and/or representation, total or partial, of one of these rights, without the express authorization of CTN, is prohibited and would constitute an infringement punishable by articles L. 335-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code.

Consequently, the Client refrains from any action and any act likely to directly or indirectly infringe the intellectual property rights of CTN or third parties.

The Client is prohibited in particular, in a non-exhaustive manner, from reproducing and/or representing for any use other than private use, downloading, selling, translating, adapting, exploiting, distributing, broadcasting and communicating in full or in part in any form whatsoever, whether commercially or not, the elements contained on the website.




The Customer may receive notifications by email in order to be informed of important events including, but not limited to:

· the progress of his Order;

· a stock shortage or possible delay.

The Customer will be able, from their User Account, to adjust their preferences regarding notifications.



CTN is free to display, through the Platform, advertising and/or promotional messages from advertisers and other partners. The Customer expressly consents to receiving such messages.



CTN undertakes, on the basis of an obligation of means, to provide access to the website in compliance with the General Terms and Conditions and to act with diligence and competence and to make every effort, within a reasonable limit, in order to remedy any malfunction brought to its attention.

CTN may, however, find itself obliged to temporarily or permanently suspend the Platform without notice, for technical maintenance reasons whatever the origin or cause, without this resulting in any liability on the part of CTN. .

The Client acknowledges and accepts that CTN cannot be held liable for any consequences in the performance of the services provided by CTN resulting from false or incomplete information communicated by the Client or from an absence or an erroneous Order. issued by the Customer.

In the event of the Customer's failure to comply with one of its commitments and obligations under these General Terms and Conditions, the latter is solely responsible for any damage caused by it to CTN or any third party. As such, the Client undertakes to guarantee CTN against all claims, actions or recourse of any nature which could result therefrom and to indemnify it for any damages, costs or compensation relating thereto.

CTN cannot be held liable in the event of an unforeseeable act of a third party or in the event of force majeure.



The Products delivered remain the property of CTN until full payment of their price. Failure to pay may result in the Products being claimed and the sale terminated.

The transfer of risks of loss or deterioration nevertheless occurs in the hands of the Customer from delivery of the Products.




Any length or size detailed on this site are approximate and based on nominal
industry averages & standards. We recommend that available sizes are confirmed
prior to or at the point of order. The sizes detailed here are subject to a
tolerance/variance of -/+ 5%.
Due to variation on devices used to view this website, IE mobile telephone,
tablets and desktops, the colours shown may appear different to the product
you receive in sample form or in your order.
The variance between the screen resolution of these devices is wide and will
cause one colour to be very different across multiple devices.

Again, we highly recommend viewing a sample prior to committing to an order.
Whilst every effort is made to ensure colour consistency, we cannot be held
responsible for variations between batches.

The photographs on the website are put online for illustration purposes and aim to present the products sold as faithfully as possible. In no case do they have a contractual value, because for technical reasons, it is possible that certain shades which appear on the screen vary from the actual shade of the product.

CTN cannot be held responsible for any minimal visual differences that do not affect the essential characteristics of the products.




The Customer may at any time refuse to use the site and close his User Account without notice, without charge and without reason, on the website in the “Close my account” section.

A period of approximately 48 hours is necessary for CTN to close the User Account.

Closure of the User Account by the Customer in the General Terms and Conditions automatically entails termination of these Terms and Conditions.

In all cases, the Customer remains responsible for any use of his User Account prior to the closure of this User Account.

The Customer's data will be kept for one (1) year from the deactivation of the User Account, according to the terms set out in article 16 hereof, then permanently deleted at the end of this period.

During this one-year period, the Customer may decide to reactivate his User Account.

At the end of this period, the Customer must create a User Account again to be able to use the website.



In the event of a breach by the Customer of the General Terms and Conditions, their User Account may at any time be suspended as a precautionary measure and then automatically terminated by CTN.

The Customer whose User Account is suspended will be informed by CTN of this decision by sending an email notification.

If within 30 days of notification of suspension of the User Account, the Customer has not contacted CTN customer service or if the elements provided by the Customer have not made it possible to remedy the breach, CTN may notify the Customer of the termination of their User Account by email and inform the Customer of the period during which they will not be able to re-register on the website.

In the absence of specification, this duration is set at 3 years from notification of termination of the User Account.

Upon termination of the User Account, the Customer's data will be kept for one (1) year from the termination according to the terms set out in article 16 hereof, then permanently deleted at the end of this period.

The Customer will not be able to re-open a User Account for a maximum period of 3 years from notification of the termination of the User Account and will be placed on an exclusion list.




The data collected is processed by: the company CTN EXHIBITIONS LTD, Private limited Company, registered under number  03379700, whose head office is located at Unit G3a, Halesfield 19, Telford, Shropshire, TF7 4QT.

You can contact CTN at the address indicated above for any questions relating to your personal data.

Only certain customer service and support employees and authorized CTN managers process Users' personal data for the purposes described in article 16.2 below. These authorized employees and managers only have access to the data that is necessary for them in the context of their duties.

CTN may also contract with authenticated and reliable subcontractors who may access, host and/or process certain personal data of Users on behalf of CTN, according to its instructions, in compliance with the confidentiality policy and who guarantee the security and confidentiality of Users’ personal data. These subcontractors allow CTN in particular to establish statistics on traffic volumes and/or use of the Platform and/or ensure the proper functioning of the Platform.

As data controller, CTN takes all necessary measures to preserve the security and confidentiality of the data and in particular, to prevent them from being damaged or from unauthorized third parties having access to them. To this end, CTN implements all technical and organizational measures to guarantee an adequate level of security adapted to the risks. Furthermore, CTN ensures that our subcontractors comply with the rules regarding the protection of personal data.



The data collected by CTN is necessary for the proper functioning and improvement of the website which is offered to Users.

The data collected also allows CTN to carry out statistical studies and marketing-type analyzes in relation to the use of the Platform by Customers. They allow CTN to send promotional messages via the Platform from advertisers and other partners, it being specified that CTN does not communicate any personal data of its Users to the advertisers and partners in question.

CTN may finally access Users' personal data, store it and share it with authorized third parties in response to a legal request (court order or other) or to comply with legal, regulatory, judicial or administrative obligations; detect or prevent fraudulent activities or breaches of the security of the Platform, in application and in compliance with the law.



Your personal data is collected and processed on the following legal bases:

as part of the execution of a contract;

for legitimate interest purposes;

on the basis of your consent;

in order to ensure compliance with our legal and regulatory obligations.


Data relating to identity: The registration form is mandatory to access the Platform. Registration requires the Customer to communicate certain of their personal data:

their first name (inaccessible to other CTN Users)

his name (inaccessible to other CTN Users)

their email address (inaccessible to other CTN Users).

The Customer may also provide CTN with his mobile phone number in order to receive SMS alerts. In any event, the Customer's email address, name and telephone number will remain invisible to the public and unknown to them.


Data relating to communications exchanged: Messages are sent and stored on CTN servers exclusively to ensure the transmission service of exchanges between Clients. Messages are strictly private and only engage interested Customers. Authorized CTN managers have no right to review these conversations, except upon judicial request and/or in accordance with applicable legislative or regulatory provisions and/or in the context of evidence possibly provided to CTN by a User at the opportunity for a report. 

Mobile Data: When Customer uses the Platform, CTN collects server logs which may include information such as IP addresses, operating system or application crashes. CTN is not able to access the browsing history of its Users.



The personal data that the Client published for his registration on the Platform is made strictly invisible by CTN for unregistered Internet users and third parties.



In accordance with Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, known as the “Informatics and Liberties Law”, and the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 , known as “GDPR”), each Customer has the following rights:

permission to access ;

right of questioning;

right of rectification;

right to erasure – this right can be exercised to the extent that it does not harm the execution of the contract or compliance with CTN's legal and regulatory obligations;

right to limit one or more processing of your personal data;

rights of modification and/or withdrawal, at any time, of consents concerning the processing of personal data based solely on the consent of the Client;

right to object to processing of personal data;

right to portability of personal data

right to lodge a complaint with the Commission Informatique et Libertés in the event of difficulties.

To ensure that the information CTN has regarding the Client is always accurate, CTN recommends that you update it regularly.

Mindful of the concerns of its Customers, CTN undertakes to respect the protection of personal data and to process these requests as quickly as possible. The Customer may exercise his rights, subject to proving his identity, by sending a letter or an email to the following address:



Personal data is not transferred by CTN to third parties.  



The Customer's personal data is only kept for the period strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which it is collected and processed.


By default :

Customer data is not kept for more than 5 years in CTN tools. CTN retains the Customer's data for the entire period necessary for the use of the User Account and one (1) year after the deactivation, uninstallation, deletion, termination of the User Account for an extended period, under the conditions provided for in Article 15 hereof.

bank card data is kept only for the time necessary to complete the transaction;

connection, navigation and traffic data are not kept beyond 1 year.

However, the Customer's personal data is kept for a longer period when legal and regulatory obligations require it from CTN.

CTN undertakes to make the best efforts and all means in its possession to guarantee the optimal security of the data stored. It is still up to the Customer to take appropriate measures to protect their data. 



When registering, the Client expressly consents to the fact that his data may be transmitted to CTN subcontractors located in and outside the European Union, for the purposes of carrying out statistical studies, providing support to Users and, where applicable, hosting the data processed by the CTN Platform.

CTN guarantees that these transfers are carried out under conditions enabling the confidentiality and security of the data to be ensured and an adequate level of protection in compliance with the provisions of Article 68 and 69 of the Data Protection Act and Articles 24 and following GDPR.



CTN uses “cookies” to optimize the Client’s use of the Platform.

A “cookie” is a small text file which is placed by CTN on the Customer’s hard drive. It allows the CTN system to remember the Customer's device during their visit to the Platform. The “cookies” used by CTN do not contain personal data but only an anonymous identification number and information relating to navigation on the Platform (the pages consulted, the date and time of the consultation, etc. ) that CTN will be able to read during subsequent visits.

CTN uses “cookies” to optimize the Customer’s use of the CTN Platform. In particular, CTN uses “cookies” for the following purposes:

Establishing volumes of attendance and use of the various elements making up the CTN Platform,

Improving the CTN Platform using information provided by audience measurement services. The “cookies” used as part of this service make it possible to analyze the Customer's behavior in a global and anonymous manner. Information relating to the use of the Platform by the Client is transmitted to said service anonymously (truncated IP address).

The collected statistics are automatically deleted after 26 months.

The collection of behavioral data is carried out in order to compile statistical reports on the activity of the CTN Platform, the purpose of which is to guide CTN in its decision-making regarding improvements to the CTN Platform.

The Customer is informed of the possibility of withdrawing, at any time, his consent to the use of “cookies” issued by the Platform or by third-party sites.


The Customer can, for example, easily withdraw their consent using the following means at their disposal:

For Mozilla firefox :

For Microsoft Internet Explorer:

For Opera:

For Chrome:

Concerning “third-party cookies”, the Customer can also deactivate them on the websites of the issuing companies, at the corresponding links appearing previously.

The consent collected by CTN from the Client for the use of “cookies” is valid for thirteen months from the deposit of the “cookies”. At the end of this period, the latter's consent must be obtained again by CTN.



For the purposes hereof, the Parties elect domicile at their respective head offices, as indicated on the Client's form and in the Legal Notices of the Platform.




These General Terms and Conditions are subject to French law. This is the case for the substantive rules and the formal rules, notwithstanding the places of performance of the substantial or accessory obligations.



In the event of a dispute between the Client and CTN, the Client undertakes to contact CTN customer service, by email or by post at the address appearing in article 1 hereof, in order to attempt to resolve any dispute. amicably.

If the Customer is not satisfied with the response provided by Customer service, or in the absence of a response, the Customer may send a written complaint to the FEVAD mediation service, for any complaint related to a purchase on the group website  introduced during the last twelve (12) months, or electronically: or by mail addressed to the following address: FEVAD e-commerce mediator 60 Rue La Boétie 75008 Paris.

The solution proposed by the Mediator is not binding on the parties, who remain free at any time to exit the Mediation process.


The Customer can also contact the dispute resolution platform put online by the European Commission at the following address:

In the absence of amicable resolution, any dispute relating to the interpretation of the T&Cs, the execution or termination of a sale, the interpretation, execution or termination of these presents is subject, in the absence of agreement amicably, to the legally competent courts.




To the attention of: CTN, Internet Customer Relations Service Unit G3a, Halesfield 19, Telford, Shropshire, TF7 4QT or at the email address:


I/We, __________________________________________________________ hereby notify my/our withdrawal from the contract relating to the sale of goods below: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Order number : ____________


Ordered on: ___/___/________


Received: ___/___/________


Customer Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Your email address:_____________


Date __/__/____ Signature :


Remember to attach a RIB to obtain a refund of the Products.









The site is operated by the company CTN EXHIBITIONS LTD, Private limited Company, registered under number 03379700, whose head office is located at  Unit G3a, Halesfield 19, Telford, Shropshire, TF7 4QT, hereinafter “CTN”.

The publication director is: Mr. Olivier LANGLOIS

CTN can be reached at: 01952 680 423 and at the following email address:

The CTN Platform is hosted by: OVH, 2 rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix – France, SAS, telephone: 1007



CTN is one of the European leaders in the supply of decoration products for stands, fairs, exhibitions and events.

CTN offers professionals the opportunity to purchase decoration products directly on its website.

The Customer can only benefit from the functionalities of the CTN platform subject to prior acceptance of these general conditions of sale.

The Customer acknowledges that use of the platform accessible on the website implies that he agrees to comply with and submit to the general conditions of sale.

The Client declares having obtained from CTN all the necessary information regarding the platform's services and adheres without reservation to these general conditions of sale.



CTN platform: designates the functional and organizational structure set up by CTN allowing the purchase of products sold by CTN.

Products: Goods offered for sale on the CTN website. The photographs of the Products on the website do not constitute a contractual document.

Basket: the Basket summarizes the Products chosen by the Customer as well as the prices and related costs

General Terms and Conditions: designate these General Conditions of Sale applicable to Customers established in France and/or in a member country of the European Union.

Customers: refer to professionals who order CTN products after having registered on the CTN Platform in the section provided for this purpose and having completed all the mandatory fields of the registration form.

User Account: designates the space specific to each Customer within which he can access several functionalities of the Platform (orders, dashboard of the various orders in progress).

Order: summary of the characteristics of the Products (models, price, quantity) that the Customer wishes to purchase.

Sales price: refers to the sales price of the products, all taxes included (TTC). The sales price of the products does not include shipping costs.

Dashboard: designates the Platform interface allowing you to consult the different Orders, as well as their processing stages (validation, payment, delivery, completed orders).




These general conditions of sale aim to define the terms of sale and delivery of products ordered on the website between CTN and the Customers.

The General Terms and Conditions support the contractual relationship between each User and CTN.

The Customer is advised to download and/or print and keep a copy.

Acceptance of the T&Cs implies acceptance of all the clauses of the T&Cs and Customers cannot choose to have only part of the T&Cs applied or formulate reservations.

The Customer, prior to his Order, declares that he has full legal capacity allowing him to commit to these General Terms and Conditions.

These General Terms and Conditions apply without restriction or reservation to all Product Orders appearing on the website, excluding purchases made directly from our CTN physical establishments.



These General Terms and Conditions are accepted by the Customer when they create their User Account on the website. The latter acknowledges and accepts that his commitment does not require a handwritten or electronic signature: acceptance of these general conditions is implemented by clicking in the box “I have read and accept these general conditions” which gives him allows you to finalize the creation of your User Account and/or your Order.

These General Terms and Conditions are enforceable against the Customer upon acceptance by the latter.



These General Terms and Conditions define the main rules for using the Platform. They may be supplemented by additional policies, the confidentiality policy, the trust charter and frequently asked questions (FAQ) – in order to guide Customers more precisely in handling the Platform.

In the event of a conflict between the different policies resulting in a lack of accessibility, intelligibility and/or predictability of the rules, these General Terms and Conditions take precedence over the charter of trust, the confidentiality policy and the FAQs.



In the event that one of the stipulations of these General Terms and Conditions is declared null or inapplicable by the effect of a law, a regulation or a judicial decision emanating from a competent court, the other stipulations will retain their validity and their force, unless we imagine that these General Terms and Conditions are distorted or that this leads to a significant imbalance in the obligations of the parties.



CTN reserves the right, at any time, to supplement or modify these General Terms and Conditions in any way it deems necessary.

The fact of the Customer ordering a product offered for sale on the site reiterates full acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions, of which the Customer acknowledges having read prior to his order.

The General Terms and Conditions applicable to the Order are those in force on the day the order is validated by the Customer.

The Customer will only be able to place an Order after having reiterated their acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions in force.




Creating a User Account is a necessary prerequisite to becoming a Customer and benefiting from all the features offered by the site.

Only one account can be assigned per user (same SIRET, same name, same first name, same email address).

CTN is not responsible for information provided by Customers that may prove to be erroneous or fraudulent. The Customer is solely responsible for the use made of his User Account.

CTN reserves the right to cancel a Customer's Order and/or delete their user account.

The Customer undertakes not to create or use User Accounts other than the one initially created, whether under his own identity or that of third parties.

Any exception to this rule must be the subject of an explicit request from the Client and express and specific authorization from CTN. Creating or using new User Accounts under one's own identity or that of third parties without having requested and obtained authorization from CTN may result in the immediate suspension of the Client's Accounts.

The procedure for creating a User Account includes the following steps:

The Internet user completes the fields necessary to create the User Account. The information must be accurate and regularly updated;

The Internet user reads and accepts the General Terms and Conditions by checking the box provided for this purpose. If he does not accept the General Terms and Conditions, the creation of the User Account ends and will not be taken into account by CTN;

Once the registration form is completed and the T&Cs accepted, the Internet user receives a confirmation email giving them access to their username and password.



The Customer guarantees the accuracy of the information provided for the purposes of creating his User Account.

The username and password chosen by the Customer are strictly personal and confidential.

The Customer is recommended to choose a password comprising 8 characters including three different characters (lowercase, uppercase, number, special character).

The Customer is responsible, under the terms of the General Terms and Conditions and according to common law, for the acts and actions of any person using their User Account, even without their knowledge. The Customer undertakes to take all useful measures to ensure this perfect confidentiality and in particular to modify it regularly.

The Customer undertakes to report to CTN at the following address as soon as possible, any fraudulent use of their User Account or any loss, theft or disclosure of their identifiers and passwords.

You can access the personal data that You have communicated to us upon simple request, in accordance with the provisions set out in the Personal Data article of the General Conditions of Sale.




The Customer can select as many Products as he wishes with a maximum of 50 units per product and depending on available stocks. Products on order are subject to a quote request confirmed by CTN. The Products selected by the Customer will be added to the Basket.

The Customer has the possibility to check the details of his Order, its total price and to correct any errors before confirming his acceptance (article 1127-2 of the Civil Code).

Validation of the Order at the end of the Basket constitutes confirmation of acceptance without restriction or reservation by the Customer of the General Terms and Conditions on the day of the Order, of the Products purchased, their price as well as the associated costs.

An order number will also be assigned to the Customer.

The final validation of your order will take place either:

when bank debit authorization has been given to CTN, i.e. within a maximum period of four (4) days, for cash payments,

or upon validation of the basket, for customers paying on time.

A final confirmation by e-mail will then be sent to the Customer including all the elements relating to your order.

The sale will only be considered final after sending the Customer confirmation by email of acceptance of the Order by CTN.

CTN reserves the right to cancel or refuse any Order from a Customer with whom there is a dispute relating to the payment of a previous Order.

If payment is not received and validated within four (4) days, CTN considers that the Order is canceled, unless the customer benefits from payment terms when due.

Unless proven otherwise, the data recorded in the CTN computer system constitutes proof of all transactions concluded with the Client.



The Products are offered while stocks last.

In the event of unavailability of the ordered Product, CTN undertakes to inform the Customer as soon as possible and will reimburse the Product (shipping costs included) within a maximum period of 30 days.



The Products are supplied at the current prices appearing on the CTN website, upon validation of the Order by CTN.

The prices indicated for the Products do not include processing, shipping, transport and delivery costs, which are invoiced additionally, under the conditions indicated on the CTN website and calculated before placing the order.

Payment for purchases is made via the secure platform of our payment provider Stripe, via its Stripe payment service. The Customer expressly acknowledges that communicating his bank card number to CTN constitutes authorization to debit his account for the price of the Products ordered.

All banking data entered is subject to secure processing and is immediately encrypted. This information is only accessible to our banking partner, so that they can contact your bank. At no time will CTN, or any other third party, have access to your banking data.



8.1. Shipping cost

These costs are those mentioned on the website and specified at the time of the Order.

They are paid by the Customer at the time of the Order.



Delivery will take place to the address that the Customer indicated when placing the Order.

The delivery time is mentioned on the Order summary. Delivery times run from the day of validation or payment made by credit card, subject to acceptance of the latter.

CTN will inform the Customer by any means of any possible delivery delay brought to its attention.

CTN undertakes to make its best efforts to deliver the products ordered by the Customer within the announced deadlines.

If the Customer is absent at the time of delivery, the costs of second delivery will be borne by the Customer.



The delivery address, which must be clearly specified by the Customer when placing the Order, is located in mainland France (excluding Overseas Territories and Corsica) only and must be accessible, in particular by a motorable route, without danger or risk for the carrier. Packages will be delivered to the ground floor of the address indicated and will not be taken upstairs.

As such, the Customer must report any access difficulty via the contact form, accessible on the Order confirmation email.

CTN reserves the right to refuse delivery of Products in certain areas that are difficult to access for the carrier (mountains, islands, etc.).

It is up to the Customer to provide easy access for a truck of more than 20 tonnes for unloading the ordered products. A clear area for unloading the product is imperative as close as possible to its place of storage.

CTN declines all responsibility if any damage occurs at the place of delivery due to difficult access or unsuitable terrain.

Upon delivery of the Products, the Customer undertakes to sign the delivery note presented by the carrier.

The Customer must check the condition and quantity of the Products. In the event of an apparent anomaly (damaged packaging, missing, damaged or broken Products) noted upon delivery, the Customer must:

Refuse the Products delivered;

Describe precisely on the delivery note the condition of the Products and the anomalies noted in relation to the Order;

Have any reservations co-signed by the carrier.

Within 3 days following delivery, inform CTN customer service of this non-compliance by email to the following address:, specifying your name, first name and address as well as the Order number.

CTN will communicate to the Customer its agreement or refusal to the request for return of the Products as soon as possible. Return costs are the responsibility of CTN in this case.

In the absence of reserves or in the event of insufficient reserves, CTN may refuse the return, exchange or reimbursement of the Products.

In the absence of specific reservations, the delivery will be considered to comply with the Order, without this preventing the subsequent application, where applicable, of conventional or legal guarantees.



The Customer can opt for in-store collection rather than delivery to the address indicated in their registration form. During collection, the order number and proof of identity may be requested.

In the event that the Customer opts for collection in store, the date the Products will be made available in store is automatically set when ordering.

The Customer undertakes to collect the Products from the date indicated on the Order summary.

CTN will inform the Customer by any means of communication of any postponement of the date of availability.

When collecting the Products from the store, the Customer must check the apparent condition of the Products and sign the corresponding “collection slip”.

In the event that the Customer does not collect the Products ordered within five working days after the set availability date, CTN will cancel the order and reimburse the Order less a penalty corresponding to 10% of the total amount of the Order (excluding shipping costs).



The Customer takes possession of the Products upon collection from the Store or upon delivery.

The risks of loss, theft or deterioration of the Products as well as damage caused by the Products are transferred to the Customer upon delivery or collection of the Products from the Store.

Before any use or start-up of the Product, CTN recommends that the Customer carefully read the instructions for use and documents attached to the Products and wear personal protective equipment when using the Products.

CTN will not be held responsible for damage resulting from inappropriate use of the Products that does not comply with the requirements provided for in the instructions and documents attached to the Products.




CTN is required to provide the legal guarantee relating to defects in the item sold, under the conditions provided for in articles 1641 to 1648 and 2232 of the civil code.

CTN is bound by the guarantee for hidden defects in the item sold which make it unfit for the use for which it is intended, or which reduce this use to such an extent that the buyer would not have acquired it, or would not have given only a lower price, if he had known them (article 1641 of the Civil Code).

Action resulting from redhibitory defects must be brought by the Customer within two years from the discovery of the defect (article 1648 paragraph 1 of the civil code).

The Customer must check upon receipt for any apparent defects.

If no complaint or reservation is made in this respect by the Customer on the day of receipt of the Products, said Products can no longer be returned or exchanged, in application of the provisions of article 1642 of the Civil Code.

In the event of an apparent defect in the Products delivered noted by the Customer on the day of receipt, CTN undertakes to replace the Products delivered with new products identical to the order.

The costs incurred by the recovery and delivery of new Products are the exclusive responsibility of CTN.

In accordance with the provisions of articles 1641 et seq. of the Civil Code, CTN guarantees hidden defects in the Products provided that the Customer is able to present proof of purchase and that the defect was not apparent, existed at the time of purchase and makes the Product(s) unsuitable for the use for which the Customer intended it or very significantly reduces this use.

In the event that the aforementioned conditions are respected, the Customer may opt either to cancel the sale or to reduce the sale price, in accordance with article 1644 of the Civil Code.



Each Product may have its own warranty depending on the product supplier.

In principle, details relating to the supplier guarantee appear on the Product presentation sheet.


9.3. SAV

Independently of after-sales service, CTN remains bound by the legal guarantee relating to defects in the item sold, under the conditions provided for in articles 1641 to 1648 and 2232 of the Civil Code.

CTN offers its Customers an after-sales service (after-sales service) accessible at the following email address: for a period of 1 (one) year from delivery of the Product.

If the problem linked to the Product is covered by the supplier's contractual guarantee, a return slip will be sent to the Customer requesting it. This return voucher will allow the Customer to send the Product there to CTN, free of charge. The repairs will then be carried out and the Product will be returned free of charge.

If the supplier's warranty is not applicable, a repair estimate will be sent to the Customer. If this quote is accepted, the return of the Product will in this case be carried out at the Customer's expense.




CTN strives to provide quality services and allow the Customer to use the site made available in the best possible conditions.

The site is normally accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week except in cases of force majeure or events beyond the control of CTN.

Expressly, are considered as force majeure or fortuitous events, in addition to those usually retained by French jurisprudence: computer failures, telecommunications blockages, failure or malfunction of transmission networks via the internet and any other case beyond the control of CTN, total or partial strikes, internal or external to CTN, lockouts, bad weather, blockages of means of transport for any reason whatsoever, governmental or legal restrictions, preventing the normal execution of the T&Cs.

Due to the nature and complexity of the Internet network, and in particular, its technical performance and response times for consulting, querying or transferring data, CTN makes its best efforts to allow access and use of services. CTN cannot in fact ensure absolute accessibility or availability of the site and access to the Platform.

CTN cannot be held responsible for any malfunction of the Client's terminal or compatibility problem between the Platform and the terminal. CTN cannot also be held responsible for the non-functioning, inability to access or malfunctions of the Platform attributable to unsuitable equipment, to malfunctions of the services of the Client's access provider, as well as any external cause. to CTN which could interrupt or damage access to the CTN Services.

As CTN does not make any commitment regarding the performance of the Platform, CTN cannot be held liable.



CTN reserves the right, without notice or compensation, to make the Platform unavailable in order to carry out maintenance operations or to modify the functionality of the Platform.

CTN is not responsible for damages of any nature that may result from these changes and/or temporary unavailability of the Platform or associated functionalities.



CTN makes its best efforts, in accordance with the rules of the art, to secure the site with regard to the risk incurred and the nature of the data processed.

All measures are taken in particular to minimize the risk of fraudulent access to the CTN system.

In this regard, CTN sets up firewalls, equipment located between the Internet network and a company's private network to increase the security of the latter by filtering traffic coming from or destined for the Internet.

However, the Customer acknowledges that the characteristics and constraints of the Internet network do not guarantee the total security, availability and integrity of data transmissions.

Consequently, CTN does not guarantee that the Platform will operate without interruption or error. The Customer must ensure that they have a secure email address.

Despite or following the omission of these precautions, the Customer's User Account is likely, in rare cases, to be the victim of fraud. In this case, it is expressly agreed that CTN cannot be held responsible.

CTN cannot be held responsible for malicious acts or fraudulent intrusions by a third party on the CTN platform and/or the presence of viruses on the Platform.

The CTN Platform is an automated data processing system.

The Client is prohibited from accessing or remaining fraudulently in all or part of the Platform.

You are prohibited from using any access method other than the interface made available by CTN. In the event of discovery of such a method or if the Customer enters a reserved space, without rights, inadvertently, the Customer undertakes to inform CTN without delay by email to the following address: so that he can take the necessary measures.

The Client is prohibited from deleting or modifying data contained on the site which has not been published by itself, or from fraudulently introducing data or even from altering the functioning of the Platform.

Any access to a prohibited space will be considered fraudulent access within the meaning of the provisions of the Penal Code.

The Client undertakes to consider that all data of which he becomes aware during such access to an unauthorized space is confidential data and therefore undertakes not to disclose it.

The Client is prohibited in particular from carrying out any operation aimed at saturating a page, rebound operations or any operation having the consequence of hindering or distorting the operation of the site.



The Customer, who has the possibility at any time to close his personal account, without notice, thus leading to the termination of these General Terms and Conditions, acknowledges and accepts that he does not benefit from a right of withdrawal.

The Customer, acting in his professional capacity, is not entitled to benefit from the provisions of the Consumer Code.



These General Terms and Conditions do not entail any transfer of any kind of intellectual property rights over the elements belonging to CTN.

The Platform, brands, designs, models, images, texts, photos, logos, graphic charters, software and programs, search engines, databases, sounds, videos, domain names, design or any other information or support presented by CTN without this list being exhaustive, are the exclusive property of CTN or third parties and may be protected by copyright, trademark, patent and any other property right intellectual or industrial which are recognized to them according to the laws in force.

The website, its interface and its graphic charter were created by Adveris to which CTN has transferred the related intellectual property rights.

Any reproduction and/or representation, total or partial, of one of these rights, without the express authorization of CTN, is prohibited and would constitute an infringement punishable by articles L. 335-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code.

Consequently, the Client refrains from any action and any act likely to directly or indirectly infringe the intellectual property rights of CTN or third parties.

The Client is prohibited in particular, in a non-exhaustive manner, from reproducing and/or representing for any use other than private use, downloading, selling, translating, adapting, exploiting, distributing, broadcasting and communicating in full or in part in any form whatsoever, whether commercially or not, the elements contained on the website.




The Customer may receive notifications by email in order to be informed of important events including, but not limited to:

the progress of his Order;

a stock shortage or possible delay.

The Customer will be able, from their User Account, to adjust their preferences regarding notifications.



CTN is free to display, through the Platform, advertising and/or promotional messages from advertisers and other partners. The Customer expressly consents to receiving such messages.



CTN undertakes, on the basis of an obligation of means, to provide access to the website in compliance with the General Terms and Conditions and to act with diligence and competence and to make every effort, within a reasonable limit, in order to remedy any malfunction brought to its attention.

CTN may, however, find itself obliged to temporarily or permanently suspend the Platform without notice, for technical maintenance reasons whatever the origin or cause, without this resulting in any liability on the part of CTN. .

The Client acknowledges and accepts that CTN cannot be held liable for any consequences in the performance of the services provided by CTN resulting from false or incomplete information communicated by the Client or from an absence or an erroneous Order. issued by the Customer.

In the event of the Customer's failure to comply with one of its commitments and obligations under these General Terms and Conditions, the latter is solely responsible for any damage caused by it to CTN or any third party. As such, the Client undertakes to guarantee CTN against all claims, actions or recourse of any nature which could result therefrom and to indemnify it for any damages, costs or compensation relating thereto.

CTN cannot be held liable in the event of an unforeseeable act of a third party or in the event of force majeure.



The Products delivered remain the property of CTN until full payment of their price. Failure to pay may result in the Products being claimed and the sale terminated.

The transfer of risks of loss or deterioration nevertheless occurs in the hands of the Customer from delivery of the Products.



The photographs on the website are put online for illustration purposes and aim to present the products sold as faithfully as possible. In no case do they have a contractual value, because for technical reasons, it is possible that certain shades which appear on the screen vary from the actual shade of the product. CTN cannot be held responsible for any minimal visual differences that do not affect the essential characteristics of the products.




The Customer may at any time refuse to use the site and close his User Account without notice, without charge and without reason, on the website in the “Close my account” section.

A period of approximately 48 hours is necessary for CTN to close the User Account.

Closure of the User Account by the Customer in the General Terms and Conditions automatically entails termination of these Terms and Conditions.

In all cases, the Customer remains responsible for any use of his User Account prior to the closure of this User Account.

The Customer's data will be kept for one (1) year from the deactivation of the User Account, according to the terms set out in article 16 hereof, then permanently deleted at the end of this period.

During this one-year period, the Customer may decide to reactivate his User Account.

At the end of this period, the Customer must create a User Account again to be able to use the website.



In the event of a breach by the Customer of the General Terms and Conditions, their User Account may at any time be suspended as a precautionary measure and then automatically terminated by CTN.

The Customer whose User Account is suspended will be informed by CTN of this decision by sending an email notification.

If within 30 days of notification of suspension of the User Account, the Customer has not contacted CTN customer service or if the elements provided by the Customer have not made it possible to remedy the breach, CTN may notify the Customer of the termination of his User Account by email and inform the Customer of the period during which he will not be able to re-register on the website .

In the absence of specification, this duration is set at 3 years from notification of termination of the User Account.

Upon termination of the User Account, the Customer's data will be kept for one (1) year from the termination according to the terms set out in article 16 hereof, then permanently deleted at the end of this period.

The Customer will not be able to re-open a User Account for a maximum period of 3 years from notification of the termination of the User Account and will be placed on an exclusion list.




The data collected is processed by: the company CTN EXHIBITIONS LTD, Private limited Company, registered under number 03379700, whose head office is located at Unit G3a, Halesfield 19, Telford, Shropshire, TF7 4QT.

You can contact CTN at the address indicated above for any questions relating to your personal data.

Only certain customer service and support employees and authorized CTN managers process Users' personal data for the purposes described in article 16.2 below. These authorized employees and managers only have access to the data that is necessary for them in the context of their duties.

CTN may also contract with authenticated and reliable subcontractors who may access, host and/or process certain personal data of Users on behalf of CTN, according to its instructions, in compliance with the confidentiality policy and who guarantee the security and confidentiality of Users’ personal data. These subcontractors allow CTN in particular to establish statistics on traffic volumes and/or use of the Platform and/or ensure the proper functioning of the Platform.

As data controller, CTN takes all necessary measures to preserve the security and confidentiality of the data and in particular, to prevent them from being damaged or from unauthorized third parties having access to them. To this end, CTN implements all technical and organizational measures to guarantee an adequate level of security adapted to the risks. Furthermore, CTN ensures that our subcontractors comply with the rules regarding the protection of personal data.



The data collected by CTN is necessary for the proper functioning and improvement of the website which is offered to Users.

The data collected also allows CTN to carry out statistical studies and marketing-type analyzes in relation to the use of the Platform by Customers. They allow CTN to send promotional messages via the Platform from advertisers and other partners, it being specified that CTN does not communicate any personal data of its Users to the advertisers and partners in question.

CTN may finally access Users' personal data, store it and share it with authorized third parties in response to a legal request (court order or other) or to comply with legal, regulatory, judicial or administrative obligations; detect or prevent fraudulent activities or breaches of the security of the Platform, in application and in compliance with the law.



Your personal data is collected and processed on the following legal bases:

as part of the execution of a contract;

for legitimate interest purposes;

on the basis of your consent;

in order to ensure compliance with our legal and regulatory obligations.

Data relating to identity: The registration form is mandatory to access the Platform. Registration requires the Customer to communicate certain of their personal data:

their first name (inaccessible to other CTN Users)

his name (inaccessible to other CTN Users)

their email address (inaccessible to other CTN Users).

The Customer may also provide CTN with his mobile phone number in order to receive SMS alerts. In any event, the Customer's email address, name and telephone number will remain invisible to the public and unknown to them.

Data relating to communications exchanged: Messages are sent and stored on CTN servers exclusively to ensure the transmission service of exchanges between Clients. Messages are strictly private and only engage interested Customers. Authorized CTN managers have no right to review these conversations, except upon judicial request and/or in accordance with applicable legislative or regulatory provisions and/or in the context of evidence possibly provided to CTN by a User at the opportunity for a report. 

Mobile Data: When Customer uses the Platform, CTN collects server logs which may include information such as IP addresses, operating system or application crashes. CTN is not able to access the browsing history of its Users.



The personal data that the Client published for his registration on the Platform is made strictly invisible by CTN for unregistered Internet users and third parties.



In accordance with Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, known as the “Informatics and Liberties Law”, and the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 , known as “GDPR”), each Customer has the following rights:

permission to access ;

right of questioning;

right of rectification;

right to erasure – this right can be exercised to the extent that it does not harm the execution of the contract or compliance with CTN's legal and regulatory obligations;

right to limit one or more processing of your personal data;

rights of modification and/or withdrawal, at any time, of consents concerning the processing of personal data based solely on the consent of the Client;

right to object to processing of personal data;

right to portability of personal data.

right to lodge a complaint with the Commission Informatique et Libertés in the event of difficulties.

To ensure that the information CTN has regarding the Client is always accurate, CTN recommends that you update it regularly.

Mindful of the concerns of its Customers, CTN undertakes to respect the protection of personal data and to process these requests as quickly as possible. The Customer may exercise his rights, subject to proving his identity, by sending a letter or an email to the following address:



Personal data is not transferred by CTN to third parties.  



The Customer's personal data is only kept for the period strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which it is collected and processed.

By default :

Customer data is not kept for more than 5 years in CTN tools. CTN retains the Customer's data for the entire period necessary for the use of the User Account and one (1) year after the deactivation, uninstallation, deletion, termination of the User Account for an extended period, under the conditions provided for in Article 15 hereof.

bank card data is kept only for the time necessary to complete the transaction;

connection, navigation and traffic data are not kept beyond 1 year.

However, the Customer's personal data is kept for a longer period when legal and regulatory obligations require it from CTN.

CTN undertakes to make the best efforts and all means in its possession to guarantee the optimal security of the data stored. It is still up to the Customer to take appropriate measures to protect their data. 



When registering, the Client expressly consents to the fact that his data may be transmitted to CTN subcontractors located in and outside the European Union, for the purposes of carrying out statistical studies, providing support to Users and, where applicable, hosting the data processed by the CTN Platform.

CTN guarantees that these transfers are carried out under conditions enabling the confidentiality and security of the data to be ensured and an adequate level of protection in compliance with the provisions of Article 68 and 69 of the Data Protection Act and Articles 24 and following GDPR.



CTN uses “cookies” to optimize the Client’s use of the Platform.

A “cookie” is a small text file which is placed by CTN on the Customer’s hard drive. It allows the CTN system to remember the Customer's device during their visit to the Platform. The “cookies” used by CTN do not contain personal data but only an anonymous identification number and information relating to navigation on the Platform (the pages consulted, the date and time of the consultation, etc. ) that CTN will be able to read during subsequent visits.

CTN uses “cookies” to optimize the Customer’s use of the CTN Platform. In particular, CTN uses “cookies” for the following purposes:

Establishing volumes of attendance and use of the various elements making up the CTN Platform,

Improving the CTN Platform using information provided by audience measurement services. The “cookies” used as part of this service make it possible to analyze the Customer's behavior in a global and anonymous manner. Information relating to the use of the Platform by the Client is transmitted to said service anonymously (truncated IP address).

The collected statistics are automatically deleted after 26 months.

The collection of behavioral data is carried out in order to compile statistical reports on the activity of the CTN Platform, the purpose of which is to guide CTN in its decision-making regarding improvements to the CTN Platform.

The Customer is informed of the possibility of withdrawing, at any time, his consent to the use of “cookies” issued by the Platform or by third-party sites.

The Customer can, for example, easily withdraw their consent using the following means at their disposal:

Pour Mozilla firefox :

For Microsoft Internet Explorer:

For Opera:

For Chrome:

Concerning “third-party cookies”, the Customer can also deactivate them on the websites of the issuing companies, at the corresponding links appearing previously.

The consent collected by CTN from the Client for the use of “cookies” is valid for thirteen months from the deposit of the “cookies”. At the end of this period, the latter's consent must be obtained again by CTN.



The Parties expressly declare that they are and will remain, throughout the duration of use of the CTN Platform, independent professionals, each assuming the risks of their own activity which they carry out under their own responsibility.

Each of the Parties will be personally responsible for the taxes, duties, social security contributions and others that their activity as generated by the use of the CTN Platform may entail.

The Parties will act at all times completely independently of each other, without the contract being deemed to create any subsidiary or joint venture, nor any link of subordination between them, which the Parties expressly declare to accept.

Acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions does not have the effect of creating a subcontracting relationship between the Parties, nor a joint venture or created de facto company, nor does it lead to recognition by the Parties of the creation of joint obligations. or jointly with each other or with third parties.



For the purposes hereof, the Parties elect domicile at their respective head offices, as indicated on the Client's form and in the Legal Notices of the Platform.




These General Terms and Conditions are subject to French law. This is the case for the substantive rules and the formal rules, notwithstanding the places of performance of the substantial or accessory obligations.



In the event of a dispute between the Client and CTN, the Client undertakes to contact CTN customer service, by email or by post at the address appearing in article 1 hereof, in order to attempt to resolve any dispute. amicably.

All disputes arising between the Parties relating to the validity, formation, interpretation, execution or end of these Terms or in relation to these General Terms and Conditions will be under the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts within the jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal. of Paris, after one of the Parties has expressed its desire to resolve the dispute amicably by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt which remains unanswered or without a satisfactory response, within 30 days.